Song Lyrics Draft: “Hold You Momma”
August 20, 2019
Dedicated to my kids who at a young age would mean to say, “Hold me Momma.” But would actually say, “Hold you Momma.” I guess it was the connection they would make when I would ask, “Do you want me to hold you?”
“Hold You Momma”
The words might not sounds right
But it cries the hunger of the heart
“Hold you Momma”
Is still a great place to start
I’m too scared
To go it all alone
“Hold you Momma” Is an anchor
to get you through the storm
“Hold you Momma” is such a
beautiful place to start
I’m here to be your tender
I’m here to hear your heart
I’m here to hold you closely
Until you are ready
I’m here to hold you closely
To again attempt to start
“Hold you Momma” pulls you
Back to a place of rest
“Hold you Momma” reminds you
That someone thinks you’re the best
Now you are ready
To hit your feet again
You’re once again reminded
And feel safe once again
“Hold you momma” is sacred space
To ground again and again
“Hold you Momma, “Hold you”
“Hold You” once again.